End of State of Emergency in Italy 31.3.2022. What happen?

End of State of Emergency in Italy 31.3.2022. What happens?

The Italian Government has declared that the end of the state of emergency due to covid19 will finish on the 31st of March 2022.

What happens next? Will all restrictions finish? will be possible to travel freely or independently?

Hoping THIS would be the year that ends Covid-19. None of us would have expected that we would still be facing the challenges of Covid-19 and its variants. From masks, social distancing, vaccines and boosters we are all so over it! But we’ve begun to understand this is our new normal…at least for now. That said, we’ve had to learn how to navigate this new normal and begin living our lives again: That includes the travel industry. People want to….NEED to travel and the travel industry has also learned to navigate this new normal amazingly well.
March 31 is approaching and Italy already smells the scent of freedom. Which, in the aftermath of the probable farewell to the Covid state of emergency, will not be total but will pass through a series of progressive easing of restrictions.

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